How to Run a POS Transaction |
The POS terminal is used to run payments, or transactions. |
Step 1 |
Inform the cardholder of the VitalChek fee |
Step 2 |
MAIN MENU: Select the Payment option by pressing the F1 button |
Step 3 |
LOG ON TO THE POS TERMINAL: The POS Enter Operator ID screen displays. User enters ID and presses the green enter button. Note - if the Operator ID was entered incorrectly or does not have the authority for the transaction, an error message will be displayed
Step 4 |
PRODUCT SELECTION: Select Product screen displays with available product options. Select Product by pressing the corresponding number on the keypad or use the purple action keys to scroll through the list of products. Press the green enter button when the correct product is highlighted. If additional products are available, the page up and down arrows will be displayed.
Step 5 |
ENTER REFERENCE NUMBER: Reference Number screen displays (if applicable). Enter Agency defined Reference Number (if applicable) and press the green enter button. If Reference Number is not required, user can press the green Enter button to bypass Note: To enter alphabetic characters, press the corresponding number key and then the Alpha button.
Step 6 |
ENTER AMOUNT: Enter Amount screen displays, enter the Payment Amount using the numeric keypad. Do not include the VCN Fee. The VCN Fee will be added automatically. Press the green enter button.
Step 7 |
ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS: If Another Product screen displays, use the F1 (No), F2 (Yes) to select. No - continues the payment process. Yes - return to step 5 for each additional product.
Step 8 |
Step 8: EMV (Chip)
EMV Transaction -If the card has a chip (EMV) it must be inserted. Pin Pad displays Leave Card Inserted and then Remove Card. Terminal displays Receiving/Validating message.
Debit - The pin pad prompts Enter Pin. Customer enters PIN and presses green enter key.
Credit - pin pad prompts for pin entry, press green enter key to bypass pin entry and proceed as Credit. |
Step 8: Magstripe (Swipe) |
Magstripe Transaction - If a card does not have a chip the card will be swiped. Customer swipes the card, terminal and pin pad display the card type selection screen. Customer selects F1 for Debit and F4 for Credit.
Debit - Customer enters pin number and presses green Enter key.
Credit - proceed to step 9. |
Step 9 |
FEE BREAKDOWN: Payment fees display, customer selects F4 (Yes) to process, F1 (No) to cancel. |
Step 10 |
RECEIPT PRINTING EMV Chip transactions - Pin pad will prompt Remove Card and beeps until card is removed, terminal displays Waiting for Customer to Remove Card.
Once card is removed, approved message displays and Merchant Copy of the receipt automatically prints.
Terminal prompts Print Customer Copy? Select F4 for Yes to print and F1 for No.
Customer receipt prints
Magstripe (swipe) transactions - The Merchant receipt copy will automatically print and terminal will prompt Print Customer Copy? Select F4 for Yes to print and F1 for No.
Customer receipt prints |