VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
How to Run a POS Transaction
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Point of Sale (POS) > How to Run a POS Transaction

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How to Run a POS Transaction

The POS terminal is used to run payments, or transactions.




Step 1

Inform the cardholder of the VitalChek fee

Step 2

User inputs POS Operator ID and then presses the green enter button to logon to the terminal

Note - if the Operator ID was entered incorrectly or does not have the authority for the transaction, an error message will be displayed

Step 3

Select Operation screen displays

Step 4

Select Payment option by pressing corresponding number on the pinpad then press the green enter button


Step 5

Select Product screen displays with available product options

Note - agencies with multiple products use the purple key above the number 1 to scroll

Step 6

Select Product by pressing the corresponding number on the pinpad then press the green enter button

For agencies with more than 10 product selections, press # for the first 1. Ex 10 = #0, 11 = #1, 12 = #2, etc

Step 7

Reference Number screen displays (if applicable)


Step 8

Enter Agency defined Reference Number (if applicable) and press the green enter button

Note: Alphabetic characters are obtained by hitting a number field multiple times to scroll through. For example: for the letter "a", press the 2 color twice


Step 9

Enter Amount screen displays


Step 10

Enter the Payment Amount using the numeric keypad. Do not include the VCN Fee. The VCN Fee will be added automatically. Press the green enter button



Step 11

Another Product screen displays, use the purple buttons to select Yes or No.

If Yes, return to step 5 for each additional product.


Step 12

Select Yes or No by pressing the corresponding purple button

Step 13

Waiting on Card Swipe screen displays on terminal

Pin pad prompts customer to swipe card

For help with card swiping errors see: POS Transaction Errors

Step 15

If applicable, the Debit/Credit screen displays on terminal and Pin Pad

Step 16

Select Debit or Credit by pressing the corresponding F1 or F4 button

Note - If DEBIT is selected, the cardholder will be prompted to enter their PIN number on the PIN pad with terminal displaying: "Ask customer to enter PIN. Please Enter PIN"

Step 17

Payment screen displays on terminal


Total Amount screen displays on Pin Pad

. Select F1 for Yes or F4 for No and press the green enter button.

Step 18

Authorizing message displays on both Terminal and Pin Pad

Step 19

The Agency Receipt automatically prints and the Print screen displays on the terminal. Select Yes to print customer receipt and press the green enter key.

Note - Printed on the receipt is the payment confirmation number and the agency reference number.




See Also