VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
See Also Send Feedback
Fulfillment > Mail

Glossary Item Box


Contains section to Submit an Order Number for orders that are being send via regular mail (United States Postal Service/USPS)

Users must have a role of Clerk, Supervisor or Manager to be able to view and access Shipping functions




Order Number Field Field to enter the Order Number that is being processed

Button to enter Order Number into VPS

Order Count

Displays the number of orders that have been submitted

Order Data

Order information that displays after order information has been submitted

Order Number

Order Number that has been submitted

Certificate Holder Name that is on the certificate
Ship to

The person the order is being sent to

Shipping Address The address of the person the order is being shipped to
Update Mail Date(s) Button to add the mail date to the order information

Button to cancel the mail date process

See Also