VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
Using the VitalChek Kiosk
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Using the VitalChek Kiosk

The VitalChek kiosk allows customer to place their order utilizing a free-standing kiosk. Orders placed using the kiosk will be automatically placed in VPS.

Sample steps to place a sample birth certificate order using the kiosk are listed below.


Note - Steps may vary based on agency requirements.


Step 1

Choose language and select Continue button

Step 2

Choose the service option and select the Continue button

Step 3

Complete Some Information About You screen, entering First Name (required), Middle Name, Last Name (required), and choosing a Suffix from drop down list (if applicable).

Click I Agree button.

Step 4

Complete the Your Current Address screen entering Street Address, Zip/Postal Code, State, City and Phone.

Select Continue button.

Step 5

Complete how you are related to the person named on the certificate screen by clicking selection and select Continue button.

Step 6

Complete What will you be using this certificate for screen by clicking selection and select Continue button.

Step 7

Complete Certificate Information screen by entering First Name (required), Middle Name, Last Name (required), selecting a Suffix (if required) from drop down list, entering Date of Birth (required), entering Hospital, selecting Gender (required), and completing Still Living.

Select Continue button.

Step 8

Complete Family Information screen by entering Mother's First Name (required), Middle Name and Maiden Name (required). Enter Father's First Name (required), Middle Name, and Last Name (required). Select a Suffix (if applicable) from drop down list.

Select Continue button.

Step 9

Complete Would you like to order additional copies of this certificate? screen by selecting number of certificate copies and select Continue button.



Step 10

Select Yes or No to order additional types of certificates or for different  family members. Select Continue button.

Note - Selecting Yes returns user to step 2. Selecting No continues to step 11.

Step 11

Complete Protecting Your Identity screen by entering and confirming Social Security Number and entering Date of Birth. Select Continue button.

Step 12

Select a payment method and select Continue button.


Step 13

Enter payment information.

Credit Card:

Swipe card credit card using kiosk or manually enter payment information and select Place Order button. 


Step 14

Order Summary page is displayed


Step 15

Thank you screen is displayed and ticket prints. User takes ticket to available Clerk to complete order.