Funeral Home Help
Billing Overview
See Also
Orders > Billing Overview

Glossary Item Box


Payment information displays in the Billing section.





Order Status -

Displays Unsubmitted until processed


Billing Address -

First Name

Payor First Name

Last Name

Payor Last Name

Address, Address Con'd

Payor Billing Address

Zip Code

PayorZip Code


Payor City

Payor State 


Payor Phone


Billing Options -  

Payment Method

Drop down selection of available payment types, defaults to Payment Profile, if applicable 

Payment Profile

Credit Card - If the default profile payment method is a credit card, only the last four digits of the credit card will display in the Card No. field


Personal or Business Check - if the default payment profile method is a check, the account number will display with all but the last 4 digits masked


Non - Profile Payment Method

If Check is selected, the Check fields  display


If Credit Card is selected, the Credit Card fields display


See Also

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