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How to Add a New Payment Profile
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Administration > How to Add a New Payment Profile

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How to Add a New Payment Profile

Contains details on VPS Payment Profiles.

Note - a Payment Profile must be created before an order can be placed.

Users must have a role of Administrator to be able to view and access Administration functions.






Step 1

From the Administration menu, select Payment Profile Maintenance


Step 2

Payment Profile Maintenance screen is displayed

Step 3

Click Add Payment Profile button



Step 4

Add Payment Profile screen is displayed



Step 5

Enter Nickname for Payment Profile

Step 6

Check Is Default box to make Payment Profile the default payment method for orders

Step 7

Payment Type defaults to Credit Card


Note: Selecting the Business Check option will display the Business Check screen. Enter all Business Check data and proceed to step 9


Step 8

Enter credit card number and expiration data

Credit Card

Step 9

Enter payor First Name 

Step 10

Enter payor  Middle Name (if applicable)

Step 11

Enter payor Last Name

Step 12

Select a Suffix (if applicable)


Step 13

Enter payor Email address


Step 14

Enter payor Zip Code. City may auto-populate from Zip Code

Step 15

Enter payor  Street Address

Step 16

Enter additional payor Street Address

Step 17

Enter payor City if not auto-populated from Step 14.

Step 18

Enter payor State 

Step 19

Enter 10 digit payor Phone number

Step 20

Click Save button to add payment profile

Step 21

New Credit Card Payment Profile is displayed in Payment Profile Maintenance screen


See Also

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