Shipping | Shipping information, including shipping method and address, is in the Shipping section. Required fields are highlighted in yellow. |
Select Shipping Method | Drop down list of available types of delivery methods |
Signature Required |
Signature Required check box indicates that a signature is required at the time the certificate is delivered. Will be pre populated based on agency required |
First Name |
First Name of the person the order ships to |
Middle Name |
Middle Name of the person the order ships to |
Last Name |
Last Name of the person the order ships to |
Suffix | Drop down list of available Suffixes of the person the order ships to |
Email address of person order is being shipped to |
Address Type |
Drop down list of available address types (Domestic, International, Military) |
Zip Code |
Zip Code of shipping address |
Address 1 |
Shipping street Address |
Address 2 |
Additional shipping Address information line |
City |
Shipping City |
State |
Shipping State |
Country |
Defaults to United States |
Phone |
10 digit Phone number of person the order is shipped to |