VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
Add New Users
See Also Send Feedback
Administration > Add New Users

Glossary Item Box

Add New User

Contains information on VPS Users. Required information is highlighted yellow.

Users must have a role of Administrator to be able to view and access Administration functions.



User ID

Valid email address is used as the User ID

First Name

User's First Name

Last Name

User's Last Name

Start Date

Date the user's access to VPS starts. Defaults to the current date

End Date

Last date user will have access to VPS. Defaults to Dec 31, 2999


Check box that displays a check mark if the user is locked out of the VPS system. This occurs when the user attempts to login incorrectly 3 or more times


Check box that displays a check mark if the User's password has expired


For Payment Solutions Agencies only; Users Point-of-Sale terminal PIN


Users may be assigned ONE Manager-Supervisor-Clerk role. Users who will be performing administrative functions will be assigned the Administrator role. Users may be assigned an Administrator role in addition to one other (Manager-Supervisor-Clerk) role.


The available Agencies that the User is able to access in VPS

Add All

Button to select all Agencies and move to the right table. This gives the User access to all Agencies that are available to the User in VPS


Button to move only selected Agencies to the right table. This gives the User access to only those Agencies selected


Button to move selected Agencies to the left table and remove from the User's VPS access

Remove All

Button to select and move all Agencies to the left table. This removes the User's VPS access from all agencies


Saves the changes


Cancels any changes

See Also

How to Add New Users