Business Check (electronic) Payment | Business check payment information displays in the Payment section |
Same as Applicant |
Check box indicating the person making the payment is the same as the person applying for the certificate (Applicant) |
Same as Shipping |
Check box indicating the person making the payment is the same as the person the order is being shipped to |
Multiple/Partial Payments |
Check box indicating the total amount due will be paid in multiple or partial payments Payment Amount field to enter the amount of the partial payment |
Disclaimer Confirmation |
Check box indicating the caller has been informed of the Disclaimer |
Routing Number | Routing Number of the checking account used for payment |
Routing No. Conf |
Confirmation of the checking account routing number used for payment |
Account No. |
Account Number of the checking account used for payment |
Account No. Conf |
Confirmation of the Account Number of the checking account used for payment |
Check No. |
Check Number of the check used for payment |
Check No. Conf |
Check Number of the check used for payment |
Business Acct Name |
Name of the business listed on the check |
Business Phone No. |
Phone Number of the business listed on the check |
Address Type |
Address Type of the business making payment on the order (business checking account) |
Zip Code |
Zip Code of the business making the payment on the order (business checking account) |
Address 1 |
Street Address of the business making payment on the order (business checking account) |
Address 2 |
Additional Street Address line of the business making payment on the order (business checking account) |
City |
City of the business making the payment on the order (business checking account) |
State |
State of the business making the payment on the order (business checking account) |
County |
Country of the business making the payment on the order (business checking account) |
Phone |
10-digit Phone number of the business making the payment (business checking account) with 4 digit extension field |
Payment Overview