VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
How to Add New Users
See Also Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


How to Add New Users Add New User screen contains information on VPS Users. Required information is highlighted yellow.



Step 1

From the Administration menu, select User Maintenance. User Maintenance screen is displayed


Step 2

Click Add New User button

Step 3

Add New User screen in displayed. Required fields are highlighted yellow

Step 4

Enter User ID; must be a valid email address

Step 5

Enter User's First Name

Step 6

Enter User's Last Name


note - Start Date defaults to current date, if another End Date is required, click in date field or click on calendar icon to display the calendar. Click on required date to select.


note - End Date defaults to Dec 31, 2999. If another End Date is required, Click in date field or click on calendar icon to display the calendar. Click on required date to select.

Step 9

Select Roles  for the User by checking the box(es) next to the role:

  • Administrator – Administers users for an assigned agency
  • Manager – Agency Supervisor role plus performs End of Day
  • Supervisor – Agency Clerk role plus void and issue credits
  • Clerk – Enters, inquiries, modifies orders


Step 10

Available Agencies are displayed in the Agency table on the Available (left) side.

To add the User to an Agency, click Agency name to select it and click the single Right Arrow button  to move it to the right table. To add all Agencies displayed, click the second Right Arrow  button.


Step 11

Selected Agency will be displayed in the right table


Step 11

Click Save button

Step 12

Confirmation message that User is receiving an email to activate their user ID is displayed

See Also