VitalChek Product Suite v2.0
Personal Check (electronic) Payment
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Glossary Item Box

Personal Check (electronic) Payment Personal check payment information displays in the Payment section




Same as Applicant

Check box indicating the person making the payment is the same as the person applying for the certificate (Applicant)

Same as Shipping

Check box indicating the person making the payment is the same as the person the order is being shipped to

Multiple/Partial Payments

Check box indicating the total amount due will be paid in multiple or partial payment, Payment Amount field displays if checked

Disclaimer Confirmation

Check box indicating the caller has been informed of the Disclaimer

Routing Number Routing Number of the checking account used for payment
Routing No. Conf

Confirmation of the checking account routing number used for payment

Drivers License No.

Drivers License number of the person who is making payment (using their checking account)


Note - May be required based on Agency

Social Security number of person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Account No.

Account Number of the checking account used for payment

Account No. Conf

Confirmation of the account number of the checking account used for payment

Issuing State

State where the drivers license was issued

Check Number

Check Number of the check used for payment

Check No. Conf

Confirmation of the check number used for the payment

Date of Birth

Date of Birth of person making the payment (checking account holder)

First Name

First Name of person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Middle Name

Middle Name of person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Last Name

Last Name of person making payment on the order (checking account holder)


Suffix of the person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Address Type

Address Type of the person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Zip Code

Zip Code of the person making the payment on the order (checking account holder)

Address 1

Street Address of the person making payment on the order (checking account holder)

Address 2

Additional Street Address line of the person making payment on the order (checking account holder)


City of the person making the payment on the order (checking account holder)


State of the person making the payment on the order (checking account holder)


County of the person making the payment on the order (checking account holder)


10-digit Phone number of the person making the payment (checking account holder)

See Also